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Personal Directive
Why is a Personal Directive Important?
A Personal Directive is triggered when you become disabled, incapacitated, or lose consciousness. It allows a trusted person of your choosing to act as your agent to make medical decisions on your behalf. Medical decisions can include surgery, treatment directions, and end-of-life decisions. In other provinces and countries, a personal directive is also known as a living will, advance directive, and a durable power of attorney for healthcare.
A Personal Directive can list any special requests you have about your care if you are unable to make decisions for yourself, such as noting yourself as a 'Do Not Resuscitate' individual, avoiding interventions that will extend life, or identifying yourself as an organ donor.
** Important Note: Your Personal Directive agent will not and cannot make a financial decision or access your bank accounts. Financial decisions require an Enduring Power of Attorney. It is highly recommended that you execute both an Enduring Power of Attorney and Personal Directive because both documents work in unison with one another. Within Alberta, the Enduring Power of Attorney and Personal Directive are two separate legal documents and are just as important as a Will.

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