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Real Estate
Our Clients:
First-time homebuyers
Investors - investment property buyers
Young families - upsizing
Senior - downsizing
Why is Real Estate Important?
When buying or selling your property, it is essential to find the right lawyer. For most families, your property will be the most expensive asset you will ever purchase. As a lawyer, I act on behalf of my clients, provide them with my legal expertise, and act in their best interest.
My goal is to reduce the stress that is involved in a real estate transaction, communicate openly with you should you have any questions, and assure there are not any issues during or after the completion of the real estate transaction. My office facilitates many real estate closing transactions for buyers and sellers throughout the year.
Additional services:
Review condominium documents
Reduce legal fees if our office facilitates both the sale of your old property and purchase of a new property
Estate sales and matrimonial sales upon breakdown of relationships
When We Represent Buyers:
review the land title, property tax statement, and real property report (if any);
prepare the transfer of land and buyer real estate documents;
prepare all lender and mortgage documents with your bank;
contact and consult with your financial institution or lender;
resolve outstanding issues with the land/property from due diligence check;
contact and negotiate with the seller's lawyer for undertakings and holdbacks;
request and receive the funds from your financial institution and deposit proceeds into our trust account;
a title search on the possession day for unknown or new registrations on the property before transferring funds to the seller;
securely transfer the entire cash amount to the seller's lawyer;
instruct the seller's lawyer for key release to you or your realtor;
prepare a final reporting package for you, which will have all the important documents related to the entire real estate transaction
When We Represent Sellers:
review the land title certificate, property tax statement, and real property report (if any);
draft the transfer of land documents;
contact and consult with your financial institution regarding mortgage payout and prepayment penalties (if any);
ensure that there are no outstanding property taxes owing;
resolve outstanding issues with the property on or before possession day (i.e: deck, hot tub, sheds. etc);
order title insurance or contact a surveyor for a new real property report (if necessary);
contact and negotiate with the buyer's lawyer (if necessary);
ensure that the cash from the Buyer is received, correct, and securely deposited into our trust account;
prepare a final reporting package for you, which will have all the important documents related to the real estate sale; and
direct deposit funds into your personal account, or we prepare a certified check for pickup (24 hours required) for the sale proceeds.

Estate planning is important because it allows you to make decisions about who will receive your assets after you pass away. Learn more below.