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(Passing Away with a Will)

Dealing with the death of a loved one is always difficult. Navigating through the legal system is confusing. We can help explain to you the legal process and if necessary, assist with the probating a Will.

What is Probate and Why is Important?

Certain activities will require the Will to go through a court process called 'Probate.' The court will assess the estate's assets, evaluate the beneficiaries, validate and authentic the Will.  The Executor/Personal Representatives of a Will will have to obtain a “Grant of Probate” by the court to begin estate administration. Probate is the process of creating a package of documents along with the original will and submitting it to the Surrogate Court whereby the court will authenticate the Will.

Grant of Probate confirms the validity of the Will and authorizes the Personal Representatives to take control of the deceased’s assets. Whether you want to withdraw money from the deceased's bank accounts or transfer property to the beneficiary, there will be a requirement for the Will to go through Probate.  Activities such as transfer of real estate and large accounts at financial institutions will require a certified copy of the probated Will before the land can be transferred or the funds can be released.

Within the Will, the deceased has chosen a trusted family member/friend/professional to take on the role of the executor/personal representative of the deceased's estate. That individual is in charge of the administration of the estate, and the position does come with significant legal obligations and liabilities. The executor/personal representative must abide by strict provincial rules and regulations.

Estate administration and the probate process are complex, time-consuming, and frustrating, and for these reasons, personal representatives/executors will feel overwhelmed. The assistance of a lawyer can help alleviate the stress of such legal obligations and guide the executor/personal representative.  A lawyer can assist in locating, retrieving, and distributing the assets as indicated in the Will.

Why hire a Lawyer?

  1. The application process has many legal requirements and is very detailed.

  2. Because of our experience, we can ensure that your application is properly prepared and presented to the Court.

  3. ​A properly executed, submitted, and granted Probate will take about 3-4 months to receive. However, if incorrectly done the process will take a lot longer.

Need to create a will? Contact Denny Mah.